Kings are those who make decrees and declarations because they rule. You are a king (Revelations 5:10). So declare and release the power for the miraculous in your life.
The Word of God is a seed. Let us start planting it today for our health, breakthrough, protection, victory, and supernatural connection.
Scriptural Confessions
Mark 4:26-29
26 Then Jesus said - God’s kingdom is like a man who plants seed in the ground. 27 The seed begins to grow. It grows night and day. It doesn’t matter whether the man is sleeping or awake, the seed still grows. He doesn’t know how it happens. 28 Without any help the ground produces grain. First the plant grows, then the head, and then all the grain in the head. 29 When the grain is ready, the man cuts it. This is the harvest time.
This is the harvest time.
When I read this scripture recently, I began to see clearly why some of the things happening in our life and ministry today are happening. We planted great word seeds in the past. When we didn’t look like it, we kept speaking about how God would give us breakthroughs.
We just graduated from engineering college and were newly married then. It appeared foolish as per the society norms but we had faith in God and Love for each other that kept us going when everything appeared against us.
When I embraced God’s call later on in my life, I faced challenges as to what my future looked like in this new calling that I had embraced. I wouldn’t know to answer most of the questions. All I knew was I heard God’s Voice and I am following one step at a time.
We kept speaking in season and out of season. And those seeds were growing, even when we didn’t know it; they were growing even when we thought we were not going to become those things; they were growing even when we slept a few times along the way, and even when we forgot. The seeds kept growing
We can start the process of transforming our life today by what we say. Start planting the right word seeds and watch it grow. We may not feel the impact today, but every word seed we plant will yield corresponding fruit. Instead of saying how bad things are, start saying that:
►Things are getting better.
► God is at work in my life.
► Everything about me is getting better.
► My health is getting better.
► My marriage is getting better.
► My husband/wife is a great person.
► I love more and more, every day.
► I am being loved more and more every day.
► I will not labour in vain.
► I hear the voice of God every day, and I am walking in His direction for my life.
► I live in abundance.
► When others are saying there’s a casting down, I will be saying there’s a lifting up.
► My finances are getting better I am coming out of debt.
► My children will be taught of the Lord, and great shall be their peace.
Let us start sowing the right word seeds about our life and family from this day on. Practice memorizing some of these confessions and say them before the mirror every morning. The chances are that our present circumstances are a result of the combination of our word-seeds, thought-seeds and action-seeds.
If we don’t like what’s happening today, we change our seeds – beginning with our thought and word seeds. Our transformation is not too far away. It is right there in our mouth. Start using it now.
Our tongue is the president and secretary of our entire life. What it says is what happens to us. So if we don’t like where we are now and what is happening, we can start transformation by sowing the right Bible-based word seeds and acting on it.
Thank you, Lord, for it is done.
Declaration brings possession.
I shall have what I have declared,in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen and Amen!